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tv   FOX 45 News at 10  FOX  January 1, 2013 10:00pm-11:00pm EST

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hhnginn on the fiscal clifff cliff."let's ecognize when ww'veeavoiied what could haae been a terrible ouutome, and actually saavavaged some things we can e pleaaed with.." hhuse is deciding on tonight. cityyhhll.aking history at hall.03::3:09 "it's so exciting" exciting." the hoopla over the &ppirst gay mmrriaaes in maryla. paayland. and baltimore's ffrst baby. baby.(20:20)its a wonderful gif. gift....its a wonderful giftt... pift....(20:200first baby. baby.((0020)its a onderful gif. gift....whereeit was born and how the proud parents are reactiig tonight. hello, i'm jennifer gilbert toniggtbreaking news ouu of wwsn washingtonhere'' a live lookk inside the capitol right nnw... debating the deal... to avoid
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cliff... the tax hikks.a vote is scceduled later tonight house republicans decided ánooá to changg the bill paased to them from theesenate senateeendell goler explains the parts of the deal... and why everyone wwll see smmller year. nats "(measure passes, whatever)" the senate deal passed with overwhelming bipartisan support.... ...extending theebush era tax cuts for ffmilies making less than $450 thouuand dollars a year aad makinggtte lower rates permanent, something... wassunable to do a decaae ago, &pbecause he wasn't able to get along. that part ost reppblicans are happy with. fllmiig saay it madeesome things permanent...permanent fix to the amt....some things do like." ...theedeal ssves 30 ppy the alteenntive minimum tax, by indexing it to inflation... it raises
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the death tax 5%%but exttmpts thee irst $5 million for individual estates... p.and $10 million for family estates like farms. ...but the payroll taxxwill go back to 6.2%, a 2% increase phich will cost a worker &pmaking $100k a ear aboot $22 more. onnthe spendiig termmunemployment beneffts for insisted on it.boxerrsaas "it's ritical. you want to talk about the real cliff it'' for the peoppe who arr about to lose their nemployment compensation."boxer ays if that's not in the deal, that ddal is a real problem."" there's a fiie year extension things like alternative energy businesses can take a 50% bonus deprrciitton on new equipment anddbuildings. he deal puts off cuts inn doctors' medicare payments for formally cancels an assisted living entititlement in obama care, that the administraaion had decided was unaffordaale, measure evvn exxends daiiy
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from spiking. spiking. 3mr. bama can expecc dded presssre in a mmtter of weeks mr. obama says ccngrrss shouldn'ttdo thaa, ecause it pating hostage to ppatisan demanns for spending uus. some republicans feel that's &ptte only way the cuts will ever happen. thh congressional budget office has done the math on the incrrasee in the billlwould raise about 600 billion dollars over the years...but thh bill also spends 330 billion dollars... b bennfits, agriculture programms and the mmdicare "doccfix" pix"read tte c-b-o score for &pyourself.gootoofox-balttmore pot com ssash newslinks here in maryland...many peopll arenow trying to figure out how they'llbe ffected y what'sshappenedii washington. laaeston the possible fallout... throughout baltimore, reaaity has set in.the new year's ve revelry is over...and it's time o address...moresobering
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folks...are relieved....o hear...ttat they won't be payinn more innfederal taxes...that ii....f they earn less...than400-thhusand a year. (nightwine) "for once, it sounds like there was at least some level of compromiie, the $400,000 is still is still a pretty good high numbbr esppcially for this aree, ttat's a doing very pell if you make that." (rydell) "buu ven if you ddn't make more hhn $400,000 a year, in 2013 you'll still have more money deducttd from your paycheck for both pmdicare and social securityy" peeple still needdto have social sscurity anddmedicare ss it's important that e do pay our share of it however it doesshurt people who don't small."for tax's a potenttal nightmare. that's because the agreement being hammeredd ut by congress... still means the vast majority of americanss the20-12 tax year.(prioleau) "you could easily see a thousand dollar ccange for that person whh is making $50,000, very, very easily."as
10:05 pm adviser "teddy pray-lo"... preddcts of confusion in the next few tte many changes. (prioleeu)) "beepatient because i believe phere will be a delay in filing of tax returns." (nightwine) "iimean everyone's going to take aahit there, that's going to be in ssandpoint, we kind of do have &pto generate a littte moree revenue here or there."" debate among taxpaaers...and john rydeel, fox 45 news at - ten. a 10-year-old girl is inn critical condiiion......after aa injury...that may have been caused by guufire celebratiig the new year. year.police weee called to a hhme in elkton early thhs morning.witnesses say tte girl &psuddenlyycollapsed... with a her head. head.the girl rrmains n llie pelaaare ttnight.neighbors reported hearing gunshott iin the area. a teenager died in a crash overnight in harford county. county.the crash appened
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bush chapel rood... near mount abbrdeen.curch road in - &ppt happened along this parr o the road.police say 17-year- control of hhs car as he came arrund aaturn in the roaa... ....nd struck another veeicle. thh ersonnin the other car was nnt iijured, and no him. the cause of the crash is still uudee investigation ...and allllanes onn295 were this afternoon......after s someone jumped ontt 295 from an overrass in len burnie.he died... and has not been &pasking any witnesses to call them. an update tonight to a story you saw first on foo involving a pizza delivery driierrwho says e was demoted because he proteeteedhimself while be atttcked on the job. jjb. sam swiceggod says he used thii small piece of fiberrlass to fend off a group of teens who jumped him during a dellvery. swicegood told the commany's no weapons and 3 policy. tonight a spokesmann
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for the ompany tells foox45 swicegood was not demoted. technically trre... he's not getting tips as a cook so his income has dropped.. 2012 turned outtto be a far more eadly year in baltimore city. the last murder victim died just 14 minutes before &pthe new year as ushereddin. pollce commissioner anthony batts partially blames gangs ffr the increasee... saying it took months forrthe depaatment to react to the violence. tonight, crime and justice repooter oy llpola move. ((joylook live in studio)) in 2011, the citt saw a historic loo... when fewer than 2-hundred people were murdered. a people were than 2-hundred low... when fewer saw a historic in 2011, the city saw a historic low... when feeer than 2-hundred people were murdered. a people were thaa 2-hundreddlow... when fewer than 2-hundred peoppe were
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murdered. a recorddthat ell by the ayside at the strikk of midniiht. this inn city deemed thee7th deadliest by forbes maggzine. ((pkg)) 19:19::2 (gessler sound)johny mcfadden 622.. kendal stettee those who were muudered inn &pbaltimore city in 2012. a numbeerthat jumped by one... just before the new year was 20 mooe compaaed to the historic low of 2011. 18:57739(gesslee -battss e &pcan drop that number below 19 197 are still too many lives color losinggtheir life that's 3 former police commisisoner fred bealefeld the motto was the street. a stragedy unn off - 3 in 2012.homicide rate ever in - 2012. joy lepola fox 45 neww at 10. 3
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3 as joy mentiooed, baltimore did see a reduction in oveeall 5--prceen drop in violenttw a crime asswell as prrperty prime. gun crimes declined by 6 perreet. thh number of hhmmcidds meanwhile increased ten percentt ppnnsylvania gov. tom corbett says he plans to sue the n-c-double-a over sanctions imposed againsstpenn staae because oo theejerry sandusky scheduled a news confereece for tomorrow in state ccllege to announce the fiiing in federal court. thh ssnctionss were agreed to by thh university in july. heyy included a 60 million dollar
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nattonaaly to financc child abuse prevention grants. state and feddral lawmakers have raised objectionsstootte money being spent outside pennsylvania. baltimorr rings in the new year ... in style... 3 3pbmore fireworks nats natsfireworks lit uppthe sky over the inner harbor ... at the ity'' nee years eee spectaaulaa.the annual celebrrtion draws tens of thousands of people o downtown baltimore. with the new year comes many firsts....including the first babies of 20-13..... hospital in tell us baltimmre's firss bundle of joy was born there shortly midnight.... t all happenee heee at labor and delivery innide the wommn's pavillion here at medstar franklin square.....what's interestingg....scott michael came a ittearly.....and even surpriied his parents....
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parents.... (20:20)its a wonderful giftt... beth olsen and matthew williams weecome scott micheal into the worll....(nats)he's baltimorees baby new yyea 2013 boon at 12:26 a.m(20:39)i didn't think i would be the first one i thought 2 oclock woull be the first one...... beth went into laboo deceeberr 30th.... 2 houus after her baby shower.......she says it was long and tough.....(18:00) exciting and glaa that itt over......ssott micheal three ssven pounds ix ounces.....t (23:39)scott was born with some brrathing problems butt ptey seem fairly mild and they quickly......dr. harper sayss...having the first baby exciting times at medstar ffanklin square.....(23:51)on nnw years........exciting foo the famiiies.... 3 pources say......the second baby of the new year was born aboot an hour ater at gbmc...
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karen parks, fox45 news at ten that brings us to our uestion resolutions are you making for ? seems like a lot of yyu are making new eers resolutioon... resolutions...charlie says he be more confident. connident....and yolandd says finances in order so i can be convvrsatioo by going to ffcebook doo om slass fox- ...and we'll give youusome tips on ákeepiigá thosee about 30 3inutes n fox45 news attten purple pride is ttkkng hold in baltimore this weee..... ass the ravens prepare for their postseason. members of the ravens ground ccrw rr literally painting the town purple to get fans excited for sunday's ggme againsttthe colts.they're &pat 300 locations around
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baltimore... starting attcity halllpoe was there to help... allng wiih thh ravens cheerleaderss.. and so far, -&t "iq: yeah we do it every year.... oq: paint the town purple." "iq: h ravens win..... oq:: all the way to new 3orleans." &porleans." in addition to the puupleeand black logo, two special golden ravens will appear somewhere in maryland. ann beginninn ttmorrrw fans can enter to win ticketssto the game by findinn the goldennlogos and uploaddng pictures o the ravens wwbsste, twittee r instagramm accounts. showwus... your purple pride.go to... foxbbltimore dot com to uploaddyouu &ppictures or send them directl from yoor cell to urple at foxbaltimore dot com.see our ravens photo gallery at facebook dottcom slaah... foxxaltimore or on ourrwebsitee in ourrcover story in juut 15 3
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(tatyaaa--ide angle)"i will never stop fighting for those cn russian rphaan... the cange that will prevent them from beinggadoptee by ameeican paaents... aanew year -- and some tying the knot. coming up - a look at some of maryland's first gay marriages here at city hall.
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p first or maryland. same
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sexxcouples - llnnd up minutes after midnight.... so say "i do. do."melinda roeder is streaming live from city maariages were performed.melind? mmlinda?they celebrated the pew year with a kiss and a commitment. the first same sex marriages in he state - performed right here at city hall lasttnight. the mayor perself officiating one of tte ceeemonies. for he newlyweds... it was a long time coming. (03:04:26) "with this riig, i thee ed."exchhnging ringg - that's how seven ame-sex couples in baltimore chose to midnight - ryan wilson ann his groom said "i do." (00:34:37 - &pkiss)wilson grew up here - bu where gay marriage is still -- "our paperwork will not be :18 recognized... doesn't man any 02:59:30 "this is a day...
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have waited so ery long."for the six other marylaad couples whh tieddthe knot on new llng journey - emotionally and politically.(brigget ronnet) citizens of maryland... at one point we never 3 tought we'd see this day."it was a close vote - but marylanders approved the november....only two other -3 ptates - have doneeso y popular vote.(bill tasker) 02:08:14 "thhs is aabig step... maae ttequal for parried his partner of 35 years. their union - officiited by mayor stephanie prwlings blake.(mayor) 02:44:38 "it's a very emotional night... i'm so (james scales) 00:13:24 "i
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somm if the newlywwds said - &pthey chose nee yeaas - to bee minute - to marry.03:13:09 &p"it's so exccting."an end to one journeyy- beginning f another.02::3:07 "just looking forward to what comes next." all the newlyweds we spoke with said they ill continue to promote gay marriagee.. and on a ffderaa from city hall...melinda roeder... same sex among several new laws ttking effect . children from identity theff .... y allowing parents to preeze their child's crrdit at any time. time.veterans will now be able haveethhir veterrn statuss showw on their drrver's license. license.and another meesure &pbans arsenic in chicken ffed to help keep toxins out of the chesapeake bay. attorneys have dropped a
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lawsuit againt heestaffing agency hat sent aatraveling hospital technician to nee hampphire, where he's accused of infecting patients with hepatitis c. c. david kwiatkowski is painnkllers and repllaing them with syringes tainted with his own bloodd prosecutors say he on atients in at least eeles -3 8-states... including oorr hospitals here in marylandd shortly after his arrest, a staffing" for negligence.the case is now being dismissed... and settelement is n the works. the start of tte new year was - russian president vvadimii of russiaanchildren by ammrican families: the fate uncleer. kathleen cairns &ha woman's crusade..... to find &presolution between the two governments. p3 (ahh,,,,, itss lke a pound or two its pretty heavy")tatyana
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mcfadden is a fierce ccmpetitor.(wide-in &pwheelchaii)"i comppted in the 100 m 400 m and 800 meters.. " the paraolympic athlete plready has three gold and a bronze... but.. she wants it's ot a game. (tatyana-side angle)"i will never stop fighting for those children" with ttousands of signatures to thee ussian embassy in washington dc.... she wants the russian ooernment to re- open the adoption process to (tatyanaa"the ccillren were used as pawns stuck in thee arguments.. and itssreally effect their llves orever ii's personal for tatyana.. (tatyana close)"i was adooted at age six., i was born with spina bifida so i was veryy very sick when i was little" &p((omit: no russiin famiilyno other family))) but an knew from that moment shh was going to be my mother." (mom)"tatiana wooul have died
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there.. and so all thesee children are doomeddand i believe president putin nailed 46 russian orphann in particular who ave met thhii american parents.. and ere waiting to be picked up.... when preeidenttputin stopppd the process by signiig a law aad making it illegal. ((ttyana losee"they alreadd know who their mom and dad is.. if they live in the goiig to happen to them" is - tatyana hopes her voice.... will change political thinking. (tatyaaa)"i had no idea i was going to be coolege graduate, an olympic gold edalist.. independent on my wn.. and.. its.. amazing.. addptton saved my life" she hopes theerussian law ggts overturned.. ss othersslives pan be saved too . in howaad po kc fox 45 news aa 1 department ffgures show statee - american families have adoptee d rrssian -
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weather>> 3 p3 3 3 3 3p,3 33 3 3 3 3weether>> weather>> 3 3 3 3 3 3 -3 3
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---helicopter natt---- nats----- heliccpter... plunges into the water...just feet away from other swimmers. the mission it was returning 10 minutes n fox45 news attten the weather we'll see in 2013...predictions... from a our cover story... right after the break
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for many.... he ssart of the new yeaa is a fun tiie for making predictions.and once again we turn to psychic sonia bensee to look into the future. just for the record.... last year sonia corrrctly predicted passage of all of the maryland referendem questioos and the re-election of president obama. pbama. &p///pkg/////obama//tc 7:08:4777:08:58incue: "much more iger liie this year..." outcue: "he seems to agree with."//terror phreats/// tc 7:10:50- 7:11:22incue: "our enemies who want to hurt us."outcue: "as well as united states." //weather//
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"here we are getting our usual suspeccs.outcue:"we are goiig tt be ok." //scandal///c 7::6:33-7717:03 you thought it was safe...en - outcuu: "is going to be charged 3&pwith huge cooruption."//stem
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cells//tc 7:17:18-7:17:39 incce: "aloog the lines of stem cells i'vv beennfeeling for some timm...outcue: as time goes on." ///fashioo// tc 7:15:26-7:15540incue: "aa i have predicted short skirts heels higher, glamore, glamore outcuu: "as some eople will i'm suue."///ravens// tc 7:18:49-7:19:05incue: "i feel the ravens thissyear are like
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the energizer bunny." outcue: " quitt a surprise."///orioles//tc 7:19:19-:19:33iicue:the outcue:this yyar once again." ///spiritual// tc 3 7:18:12-7:18:31 incue: "in listening." 3 baby expected by the duke and
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duchess of cambridge will be a giil. the nnw years party... for ádogsá.......nd the way dog owners could waach... at theii minutes on fox45 news at tee ---helicopter nats---- nats---- aarescue mission takes a baa turn... why ccews & savee themselves... after the 3reak [ male announcer ] now at your neighborhood subway: the big hot pastrami melt.
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we perfected the pastrami sandwich -- filled with hot, juicy pastrami, pickles, yellow mustard and bubbly melted cheese. all piled-high on our signature freshly baked bread. made hot, toasty and just for you. and don't be afraid to put your spin on this deli style deliciousity -- add your favorite ingredients, like spicy jalapeños or crisp green peppers. get to your local subway and taste some perfect pastrami today! subway. eat fresh. a man caught naked and
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california. olice custody in - officers in san jose ttacked called 9-1-1 saying theeman had an assault rifle. pooice spotted the man's vehicce near an expressway. the man stopped theecar and ggt outtwearing nothing but his birthday suit samurai sword. police were ableeto take im into custody after chasing him down oo foot. offfcers also recooered the assault rifle. washinnton is getting ready for the president's inauguration, which is just
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nation still facing tough obama is restticting the - number of inauuural balls to the llwest number in sixty official parties -- and, a two concert honoring military families. this is downn from ten events in 2009. but as fox nees correspondent jjnnifer ddvis reports, there is still taggering amount of prep work underway for the bbg day. day. you could say this hum of ccnstrrction that fills the years represents the foundation of our country bbcause these are tte stands phat will showcase he peaceful passage of one ppesidential term to the next. schuuer ays: "we feel good thht americaahaa had this tradition for hundreds oo years." they aren't expecting tte record setting crowds of fourryears ago,,but, senatorrchuck schumer - whoos involved in organizing the event -- says they're sttll planning plenty of pomp and circumstance.schumer says: &p"thh inauguration seems to bee come." theee will be two
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suuday and a public one monday pince the constttution calls for the president toobe sworn in on tte 20th - ann, the usual public one on sunday. the military'ssrole is so involvee that officials have constructed a iant map of the city to prep and plan. they've dooe lots of walk throoghs on this map already - and willldo many more beeore transitioning to januarr. in mid--- thousands froo all military branches will take parr - serving variety of roles &pas ushers during the swearing in and even marching in the parade... a mmlitary tradition thht dates back to thh beginning.linnington says: "theearmy, military vettrans and veterans of the revolutionnry war paraded with george washington down thee streets f federal hall in new york. it reflects our respect davis says (oncam standup):: "here at the newseum they're used to chronicling the coverage of istory. but now they're ggaring up to givv thh public a ront row seat to it.. the newseum sold inauguratiin day, which will give people access to the extraordinary views from its tickees soll out in three weeks. thompson says: "it's
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not everr day you get to watch history appen and that's one of the thing that on inauguration day that folks here will be able to seee" so, where will visitors stay? one option is this square foot presiiential suite at the mandarin riental. if you can stty a minimum of 4 niggts - and are &pwilling to fork ovee $15,000 these luxurious accoomoddtions. special suite - you better act fast. chhcklett says: "we are real close to havinggit sold." in washhngton, jennifer davis, fox news. unbelievable video out of rio de janniro.... wherr a helicopter is seen crashing into the ocean... just a few feet from swimmers. ---helicopper nats---- chopper was flying backktoo shore... fter rescuing a swimmer.... who had gone too far out to sea.but the rescuers...had to be saved themselvvs... after the helicopter beean sputtering injuries. 3 3
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3 &p 3
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the parties are over... next on fox45 news at tenthe 3 key thingssyouushould do...toomakke "after ttey've been here all ck- night they go home and crash." ...and the new year's eve party... that your best friend went too..affer the break [ male announcer ] now at your neighborhood subway: the big hot pastrami melt.
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we perfected the pastrami sandwich -- filled with hot, juicy pastrami, pickles, yellow mustard and bubbly melted cheese.
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all piled-high on our signature freshly baked bread. made hot, toasty and just for you. and don't be afraid to put your spin on this deli style deliciousity -- add your favorite ingredients, like spicy jalapeños or crisp green peppers. get to your local subway and taste some perfect pastrami today! subway. eat fresh.
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it'ssa new year ann many people are planning their new years resslutions. but if you seem toofall short of meeting your goal every year, elizabeth prann as somm tips for achieving them. them. 10:52::0 ""ats happy new ear" crowds from around he world gathering in times square to in two thousand thirteen. so weeaskee someewhat their &p/ sydney, australia 10:43:58 "i want to be rich in 013" keith stienen / belgium 10:45:27 "i want to lose weight"melvin piper / brokee more maybe"maisa maaques / t - brazzll10:51:33 "make better friends, lose weight, keep goin to the gym"patriiia nevola / hamilton, ga 10:53:47 "i want to lose 20 pounds" mos cannl fulton, oh 10:55:53 "takin everything day by day" jameer, springfield, ma 10:55:41 "sleep all year""aria //bogota, collmbia 10:49:24 "i'mmgonna graduate next year so opefully its gonna be better" psychologiit dr. woody woodward says thh new year is a great time to hit the reset buuton on your life and focus on achieving
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youu sites too high - make reallstic goaas.dr woody says: "moottresolutionn aree pypiially, vague, looty, generic and haae no teeth. so, instead of making a new yyar's resolution, what aabut makkng aa'you' plan for twenny-thirteen? or a plan for yourself to actuaaly acccmplish on a destination, make it simple and reasonable and start thiikkng about whht are &pthe thingssi can do to get myself there" dr woodward sayy when making a pesolution you hould make it back from actively pursuing phat you are striving for.dr. woody says: "you need to make a list of the activities that you actually have to do to maae it happen. two, you got to determine onnthe barriers or requirements to getting put them on aaschedule and set some checkpoints allnn the way to hold youuself accountable.. (on cam tag) dr woodward goal that you can attain by le - takkig small steps. he netwwrk full f friends and famiiy. in atlanta, elizabeth prann, fox news.
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pa new club ii oppning its doors to pot users in denver, colorado 3 club 64... theecity's firss &pprivate marijuana club opened monday fterroon -- wiih some two hundrrd people signing up. members pay 30 dollars to come pn. they bring their own parijuuna or shhre with other amendment 64,,adults over 21 of believe tteir private club is - legal. "amendment 64 saas you can consume cannabis all youuwant, by defiiition ppiiate." hhs is - ///butt o//"hundreds of thouuands of people celebrating the new year with plcohol and we want to ceeeerate tte new yearrwith cannabis." 33 3 &ppenver police ssy hey are waiting forrguiddnce from the &ppity attorney and district attorney to see if theeclub is in viilation f any laws. whiie many ápeopleá were out ringiig the new year....... party in ohio hosted dooens oo the real partt animals last us 3
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"since everybody else has parties, we eciddd we should do a pprtyyfor the dogs." (nats) for the ighth year in a row...ccub k-9 oggy day party for those who don't have to put on their furs to wear them out. "every year we get a little bigger and a little bit more fun." "so while you're ringing n the new yeaa you can veenwatcc on a webcaa while your doggbarks in the new year..although this year you can allo watch on your aa app for that." "that's poing to be fun for people &pthey can actually get on thei &pphone or their ipads and watc our webcams." (nats) if yyu watch...what you'll see are mind being nosy...and an also shake a leg or a tail. of course it can be a downer to know your dog is likely havvng of people are doing more lot watching of the webbams than participating in their wn parries, i hink." the dogs evee have their own brew to
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&ptoast with...alcohollfreee of party-goers...having a few too - many can have consequences. "just like with humans everyyooy gets their picture posted on facebook anymore, so do the ddos. we doomake sure thht there iin't anything too embarrassing on thoseefaaebook overrthose picturee from the nighh beforee.. the dogs also phare someehhng elss ith their owners... a ssrt of new they've been here all niiht thhy gg home and crrsh." thheannual "yappy new year's &peve paw-ty" hosted about 40 &pdogs. p ome afternnon hoops down in college park..bruce cunningham has sports unlimited. o tte top new years resolutions --get in shape.the áeffectiveá equipment you can buy... for &pjust 6 bbcks...after theebreaa bth - newwyear's resolution recently, a federrlljudge 3
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public about the dangers of 3 &ptobacco.lle's have washington &ppoliticians do the same. i or any one meeber offcongress campaign on the promise that &pthey won't balance the budget dollar deficits. or lion - gdp. or middle class wealth - would plummet. or they'd take extravaaaat vacctions while working amerrcans gg without. but this is what hey've given us.20022is the yeer offthe big lie. politicians claim theyy can continue out-of-control spending and pay for it with minor adjustments hhre and there. the math doesnnt, theyyaccuse taxpayers f using loopholes. interest or ccariiable ne contributionssare not compllinggwiih the law. it's tax policy created by the government. if dc politicians
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want to ccange the policy -- then do it. but don't use loaded ttrms to imply -&law-ab blame for our natiin's fiscal mess.only congress ann thee presiddet are to blame. they think the public is stupid. believed - and still believe -- all the lies.for more on thhs story visit behinn tte us on twitter and facebook.i'm mark hyman.
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even though they lost four of
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tteir last five,the ravens are favored to beat the colts this sundayin the first round of the nflplayoffs..the laaest pine has ravenssminns 6 and a hall...anddif thht doesn't jazz you up enouuh, the ravens' residenn legenddill probabll be on theefieldd.. field... ray lewis was reactivated last list,buu did not plaa against pikely be a different story.. the raaens are hopeful that number 52 will be ready to go, anyyannouncements..john harbaugh was asked what ii &ppill take toget ray backon 3 &p mark turgeon and his maryllnd terps closing out he nnn-
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today, hosting iupui......nd rice goes to gaines d,,crrig - underneath..and theyyhad a big early leede.....but back come the terps...nick faust can't hhi, but 7-1 alex len is a dominant force this year.. here's the rebounn follow..len had 9...ttrps building a second half lead....they were playiig som defense too...seth allen defelcts it to nickk faust..back to allenfor the slamm..22of his 13...terps roll 81-63 to go to 12- p..their 12th straight win. colts coach chuck pagano talks &paboutreeurning to baltimore... that's coming up at 11:30 as sports unlimited continuess.. 3 getting more exercise ii a top joon a gym!!om rooggrs tells us how to set up a home gym withouu giving yyur wallet a real workout. 3 can't afford a higg-priced reports says you can get inn shape at home without spending lots of money.(natsot: ggm) gym)"all you need are a few inexpensive props and a good
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fitness routine to get started." take this stability ball. it can help build your balance. you can also use it to tone your glutessand legs. &pcost - about 30 dolllrs. pnatsot: jumping)here's an insttnn cardio wookout - jump rope with nonslip ffam around six dollars. or you can try hula hooping. not only is pt a good cardio exercise, ii's also great for your core! (sot: anne gallettt)"in ten &pweeks i lost two and a half inches off my waist!" dollars. (sot: gayle wwlliams)& another great item to have. you can use thhm for resistanceetraaning to strengthen and tone your muscle" and up. lso handy - an llars - exercise mat. the extra cushioning is helpful for puuh-ups and other exercises - abouu 20 dollars. and free weights are another useful &ptool. a pair costs anywhere from 10 to 60 ollars. dollars."if you an, buy two pairs - a llghter pair to work your arms and shoulders, aad a
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heavier pair to work your back chest."to develop a good exercise routine - with minutes ffve dayy a week. and do strengtt training two to three days a eek. week.(sot: anita bae)"just ppt on a pair of sweatt, you pick up a pair of hand weights, and doesn't have to cost a thing - issplain olddwalking. if the weather's ot great, walk at pte mall. justtbb sure to skkp theefooo court!a pedometer is pandy for tracking hoo much you walk. you can buy one for 20 to 30 ollars or pedometer apppffr your phone for around ffor dollars.tom rodgers, fox45 news attten. one person's cure... for &pthe new yeer's day hangover... fox45 news at ten ...and coming up in just 5 minutes on the latee ditioo... edition... you are lookinn live at the house of representatives in washington which is wrapping its vote on the fiscal cliff agreement.. pe'll tell you what's in the
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10:59 pm
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